2024 is here

It is 2024 and I am in my last year at Kaniere School.   Oh I am in trouble if I have to go to High School Next year.  I will be in trouble because,  I already know everything.  Just kidding because Mr A wrote that.

It has been 4 weeks and this is the first blog post I have made.   So what has happened so far?

  1. I arrived at school and we had a new teacher Miss Lang.  It is strange that Mr A is not in Kereru any more.  We do have him once a week and that is probably enough because I have already had to bribe him with 4 sausage rolls.
  2. There was a new basketball court and play area outside.
  3. Our school has a new climbing frame. No one is aloud on it yet because it still needs one more layer of bark.           4. This week we have been doing tests I hated it because it takes so long and I would rather be doing writing

Summer learning journey

This week we have been doing summer learning journey. On it we were making our own kind of music. It was fun. I liked making music. I really wanted to play the music that I made really loud. We can play lots of different songs. We could change the what the music sounds like.


Today Piwakawaka did some science. For science we got a jug of water and a hot water bottle. We also used the end of a water bottle. On the end of the water bottle there was a tube that went to the hot water bottle. The hot water bottle was put in the middle to peaces of wood. When we would hold the end of the water bottle up high the water would go into the hot water bottle. When we put the end of the water bottle closer to the ground the water in the hot water bottle would start to come out. Most of the class got to stand on the on the top peace of wood. When we would stand on the wood we would hold the end of the water bottle up high in the ear and the water would go into the hot water bottle and we would get taller. When we would put the end of the bottle down we would get shorter. We were learning all about hydraulics.

reader theatre

This week we did readers theatre. It is when you have a book and we have our own character. The character that we were acting would have it’s own part that we would have to read out. We did lots of practising then we would read it out in front of the class. The class had to find a buddy and they would have a peas of paper. Then they would judge one person that was in the group that was reading. There were heaps of different groups. I was in a group that was called how birds got their colours.


Today the class earthquake experiment. We did it by getting cornflower and water. Then we mixed it together. At the start we stuck our fingers in the cornflower and water. It was kind of hard to get our fingers to the bottom of the cup. We were in a group of six. When I put my finger in it felt like it was pulling on my finger. When we didn’t have our finger in it we could see the water but when we did have our finger in it we couldn’t see the water. When we shock the container the water would come up.

world most grumpy child

On Thursday we had a show. The show was called the worlds most grumpy child. There were three people that come into school. it was a good show. The show went for one hour. Some parts of the show was really funny. My back started to hurt from sitting on the ground for to long. We had  Kokatahi school come and watch the show with us. I liked the show.