Category: Hanga | Create

You climb to the top of the tallest tree in your neighbourhood. What can you see that you couldn’t see from down below?

I climbed to the top of the tallest skyscraper.


What I saw was a big fat man walking on the street and fell over and bounced to the next street then landed and exploded.


I saw a dog chasing a cat. The cat ran into a power pole.


I saw a guy running down the street because he missed the bus.


I saw a cat fall into a creek.


I saw a guy fall off the top of his house. 


I saw a monkey attacking a person. 


                              The end




Swimming sports

this week we had swimming sports.

On Monday it was just the school that had swimming sports.

I made it into districts.

At districts I got second third and fourth or fith.

I didn’t get into the west coast.

Districts was on Wednesday.


swimming sports

On Monday the year four five and six had swimming sports.

I swam to lengths of freestyle one length of freestyle and one length backstroke.

I came first in one length freestyle second in one length backstroke third in to length freestyle.

I am now going to districts on Wednesday.

At districts I will be doing the same raises as on Monday.

We did swimming sports on Monday at the Hokitika pool.

For districts we will be doing it at the Hokitika pool.

I am happy that I made it into the districts.

It is very cool at swimming sports.


If you could invent anything, what would it be?

If i could invent anything. I would invent that kids could drive on the main road. 

 I would invent that humans could teleport.

I would invent that humans could fly. 

I would invent a machine that shoots a bag of lollies at you whenever you walk past.

I would invent that kids didn’t have to go to school.

On the weekend

On the weekend I went to the lolly shop.

I got heaps of lollies at the lollie shop.

After the lollie  shop I went home and played on my PS4.

On Sunday Nixon come over to my house to play.

When Nixon came over we went to the Kiwi centre.

At the Kiwi centre we spent most of the time catching the crawlies.

When we weren’t catching the crawlies we were scaring each other in where the kiwi’s are because it is dark in there.

Me and Nixon were doing front flips on the bed.

Me and Nixon had fun.

2024 is here

It is 2024 and I am in my last year at Kaniere School.   Oh I am in trouble if I have to go to High School Next year.  I will be in trouble because,  I already know everything.  Just kidding because Mr A wrote that.

It has been 4 weeks and this is the first blog post I have made.   So what has happened so far?

  1. I arrived at school and we had a new teacher Miss Lang.  It is strange that Mr A is not in Kereru any more.  We do have him once a week and that is probably enough because I have already had to bribe him with 4 sausage rolls.
  2. There was a new basketball court and play area outside.
  3. Our school has a new climbing frame. No one is aloud on it yet because it still needs one more layer of bark.           4. This week we have been doing tests I hated it because it takes so long and I would rather be doing writing

Summer learning journey

This week we have been doing summer learning journey. On it we were making our own kind of music. It was fun. I liked making music. I really wanted to play the music that I made really loud. We can play lots of different songs. We could change the what the music sounds like.