Year: 2022


Every Friday we have a teacher that comes into our class to teach us art. Her name is Mrs Mckellar-Basset. She teaches us how to do art properly. The last three weeks we have been making birds. We will draw the birds then we will trace them with vivid. I really like doing it is fun.


New bike track.

Over the school holidays Westroads made us a new bike track for the school. On Wednesday our class got to use it. There are lots of jump’s on it.  It is very fun I liked it next Thursday the whole school gets to ride on it together. It will be fun to ride on the track all together.


We went to Harold this week it was fun. Harold is very funny we all like to go there because we like his jokes. Harold is very healthy. Here are some of his facts. He thinks you should eat vegetables. because they are great snack foods as they provide carbohydrates fibre vitamins and minerals and are low in fat. Our brain is made up of about 75% water. Be a food detective.


To make a solar oven you need to get a pizza box. Then you need to get some tin foil and glad wrap cut a lid in the lid then the lid that you cut out put tin foil over the lid that you cut out and the where the lid shuts you put the glad wrap over it then rest some tin foil in the box.


When i made my solar oven we put some biscuits and marshmallows in it and I put it in the sun and they melted. then we gotta eat the biscuits and the marshmallows. I like to use my solar oven because we get to eat what we melt when we eat it taste really good.


This week in maths we have been learning about time’s. We where learning it because we need to know how to reed the time on a clock. I found the time’s that had not learnt yet the hardest. I learnt that you have to know the time on a clock. I feel’t good about my work with the cloak’s.


Maths Whizz

At school we have been doing maths whizz.on maths whizz I have been doing time’s. I did time’s because it was the only one that I could do on maths whizz. I did it by using a fake cloak the fake cloak helped me with the time. I have been learning time’s on maths whizz it is a little  bit hard but I keep trying. I feel good about my work on maths whizz because I have learn’t about how to do time’s.


We have been learning about energy. There are lot’s of different tips of energy. There is water energy wind energy personal energy and solar energy. All of the types of energy are very helpful to us because we can use them to help us do stuff.